Upward and Onward

Convincing myself to sit down and write a blog post is like herding cats. But I’m here now, so that’s what counts…right?? Today I just wanted to outline my new plan and my goals for the next few months.

My new regimen is an oral combination of a pill and a liquid solution of Ocean Spray Cran-Grape (no, seriously) and chemo. These drugs are much more tolerable than my previous ones, and you’ll notice I didn’t mention any inpatient parts. I’ll go to clinic just once a week to check counts, but these drugs aren’t expected to affect counts nearly as much. I may even get to go to Clemson in the spring. I don’t want to jinx myself, though, so I’ll leave it at that. Just picture me quietly vibrating with excitement about it.

Soon I’ll start radiation to the area behind my sinus. I’ll have 6 weeks of it, 5 days each week, for about 5-10 minutes a day. The side effects we’re most worried about are possible throat and mouth sores, but they shouldn’t show up until the last few weeks. I’ve already had my headrest, mouthpiece, and mask made so that my head will be in the exact same place each day.

A cure is against the odds. I’m not eligible for trials because the disease is too small to be measurable, which is a a good thing. There are lots of trials going on right now, though, so if I am ever eligible in the future there are other possibilities. Regardless, I don’t think about odds too much. I’m a person, not a percentage.

I’m most excited about the combination of freedom and treatment this new plan offers me. I won’t be dependent on counts, inpatient chemo, or long fever stays determining what I do and don’t get to do. I even had sushi the other day. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had sushi? The answer is very long. I’m also not too concerned about going through radiation. The side effects are different this time, but I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again. Is the mask they made really really really close to my face? Does that make me bug out a little? …..yes. But as I always say, nut up or shut up.

The response to my first post was overwhelming and amazing. I am so grateful to everyone who liked, commented, shared, messaged me, etc. I’ll take all the prayers I can get. If I could hug each and every one of you, I would. Believe you me.

26 thoughts on “Upward and Onward

  1. You have amazing spirit and that is so wonderful! You are an inspiration to all of us. Keep one foot in front of the other and feel all the love and support that surrounds you. hugs
    Michele Bayme

  2. You keep swinging! It’s a battle you will win! I want to see you singing the Tiger Rag at Clemson! Blessings upon you always Hannah! GO TIGERS!!

  3. Keep up your positive attitude, Hannah, and your faith. You are surrounded by love, friends, and prayers, even from people that you don’t even know. We will all continue to pray for you.
    Jenny Kent Almers

  4. You are an amazing young lady who inspirits all of us. Your faith will make this time look like cake walk compared to what you have gone thru. Remember you are in all our prayers always and you never walk alone.

  5. I truly believe there is a cure for you, and you’re going to find it. Clemson bound and vibrating with excitement is a good thing. I do believe in miracles!! I do, I do, I do.

  6. Hannah Banana (my nickname for you in Preschool ) you are totally awesome and I know you will stay strong. I am feeling very nostalgic for the three year old Hannah I first met all those years ago. (Preschool started this week hence the reason) I am praying for you and for your doctors as always. Stay strong! Love, Miss Alicia

  7. Keep That awesome attitude and spirit up. That along with love and prayers will bring you through this and we will soon see you in Clemson! Love you and always keeping you in our prayers!

  8. Lots of Prayers from all the Schulzs. You are an inspiration to all of us. With all the prayers and love coming your way, we will see you in Clemson in the Spring!!

  9. Hannah, do you have any idea how many people you are blessing? As we read your writing (which, by the way, would earn an A+ in Mrs. Bandy’s class, as she used to tell her students to write so as to make her cry. You do this, not with the subject matter (well, maybe a little of that, too) but with the way you write from the heart. You make readers feel as though they’re looking inside your heart of hearts. And therein is the most beautiful girl whose spirit inspires everybody who is fortunate enough to hear her words.)Thank you, and blessings and miracles to you, sweet girl. Ms Cindy Davis

  10. Ahh…sushi!! So happy you were able to enjoy such a delicious treat!! Sometimes, the smallest things mean the most. Much love to you, beautiful girl – you are just amazing ?

  11. I do not know you, but you certainly inspire this 55 year old woman. I look forward to reading more as I think I can learn a lot about the human spirit through you. Fight on sweet girl.

  12. You are awesome young lady. You always have been. Yes I will continue to pray for you. I know God hears our prayers. Keep that chin up and keep that beautiful smile. ☺

  13. Hannah, your attitude is absolutely amazing, and I will certainly be keeping you in my prayers! Sending much love back to Charleston!

  14. You continue to think ahead and have a plan. Wonderfully healthy mind and spirit! I continue to love you and hold you in my prayers. Thank you for writing to us. <3 <3 <3 (Yes, sweet Hannah, you have earned an A+! )

  15. Hannah, you are an amazing girl and I definitely see a book in you. Coming from someone your age would be an inspiration to other young men and women. Your journey and challenge is great and one that only someone like you could undertake and endure. Blessings to you and hope you get to Clemson in the spring!

  16. Hannah you are my hero. You are beautiful, smart, strong willed. Your attitude and faith will see you through all this. It sucks that you have to deal with this at your age in life. In years to come when you have graduated from Clemson and look back on these challenges in life you will praise God in all his glory for being so strong and not giving up on your dreams and goals in your life. You are in my prayers daily as well as your family. Hugs and love to all of you

  17. Hannah, so very glad about the good news that you will have so much more freedom this time. You are on our prayer list at our church here in Greer and we will continue to pray for you, your family and the doctors that are taking care of you. Jake is at Clemson and Brent is at Tri-County Tech and will be at Clemson next year so you can have two big brother kind of guys to help you when you get there. Of course you may get there before Brent does, which is awesome. May God continue to comfort and take care of you. Thanks to Katie and Harold for keeping us updated on you.

  18. Love and big hugs to you! Keeping you in our prayers! Let me know if you need anything, I will take care of it, i got you boo! You are VIP! Amazing to see such a strong spirit in you, you are amazing!

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